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New in JobFlow 2.8

Rename JobFlow jobs

Until JobFlow 2.8, renaming jobs meant that you had to move a job to another workflow. This is cumbersome and inefficient.

We can now update a job name via a new feature called "job configuration" for Connect modules. A job configuration is a JSON file created by a Connect script in JobFlow Vault. The JSON file has the following structure:

{ "JOB_NAME": "new jobflow job name" }

The job configuration JSON can be created at any time in the workflow. The JSON file must be called job_config.json.

Module ID preview

If you want to have a single Connect script to set Master Variables for multiple modules, you cannot use the JobFlow Connect paramater "next module id". Now you can create the workflow and hover your mouse on the icon of the module to see the module ID.

Fiery Job ID

For advanced workflows, JobFlow now saves the Fiery job id in a JSON file called jobid.json in JobFlow Vault.

"JobName":"Fiery Home Furniture Sample"

Fiery job id can be used with Fiery API for asynchronous workflow where jobs submitted by Fiery JobFlow are printed with a separate workflow.