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JobFlow Email Locations


With Fiery JobFlow 2.9.2, we introduce a new feature: Email Locations. This allows you to create JobFlow workflows that monitor an email account for new jobs to be processed by Fiery JobFlow. You can also add an email as the output module, enabling the workflow results to be sent to an email recipient. Additionally, it's possible to combine email input and output in the same workflow, where results of jobs submitted via email are sent back to the sender.

Configuring Email Locations involves different setups for receiving (Email Input) and sending emails (Email Output) due to the distinct server configurations required for each.

Email Input

This is an Email Location that monitors an email account for specific emails to be processed with Fiery JobFlow.


NameDescriptive name for the Email Input Location
IMAP ServerIMAP server address
PortIMAP server port
SubjectEmail subject must start with this phrase for processing
Input Email AddressEmail address to monitor
PasswordPassword for the email account

Gmail IMAP settings

Input Email Address[email protected] or google business email
Passwordapp password (see app password below)

Email Output

To send emails from an account, enable and configure the JobFlow SMTP server via Admin > Services > SMTP settings.

By default, JobFlow uses its built-in email template for the email body. To add a new template, place it in [JobFlow Install Location]\Neem\Neem\lib\email_templates\custom_templates. Templates in this directory will become selectable options for the Email Output Location.

NameDescriptive name for the Email Output Location
Output Email AddressDefault email address for sending
SubjectDefault subject line for emails sent by JobFlow
From AddressDefault sender email address
TemplateEmail body template to use

Gmail SMTP settings

Port587 or business domain
User NameGmail or business email
Passwordapp password (see app password below)

Gmail app password

Gmail requires an app specific password for any 3rd party integration. Please follow these steps to create an app password:

List of known SMTP and IMAP servers


Advanced Settings

For additional configuration, modify the settings in [JobFlow Install Location]\Neem\Neem\email_settings.config.

Note: please restart JobFlow after modifying email_settings.config for the changes to take effect.

"OUTPUT_EMAIL_ATTACH_JOB": 1, // Attach job file
"OUTPUT_EMAIL_REPORT_NAME": "report.pdf", // Default filename for Preflight report
"INPUT_EMAIL_FREQUENCY": 1800, // Frequency in seconds for checking new emails
"INPUT_EMAIL_EXTENSION_SUPPORTED": [".pdf"], // Supported file types for processing
"INPUT_EMAIL_NUMBER_OF_ATTACHMENTS": 1, // Maximum number of attachments to process
"INPUT_EMAIL_PROCESS_OLD_UNREAD_EMAILS": 0 // Option to process older unread emails

Email template example

An example of a minimal HTML template for custom email body text. Place in [JobFlow Install Location]\Neem\Neem\lib\email_templates\custom_templates.

<!DOCTYPE html>
body {
font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
color: #333;
.content {
margin: 0 auto;
width: 80%;
padding: 20px;
background-color: #f7f7f7;
border-radius: 5px;
h1 {
color: #444;
p {
line-height: 1.6;
<div class="content">
<h1>Greetings from Print-R-Us</h1>
<p>Dear customer,</p>
<p>Thank you for your order. We have checked your order and attached the preflight report.</p>
<p>Please review the report and let us know if you have any questions or concerns.</p>
{{#job_name}}<p>{{label}}: <b>{{value}}</b></p>{{/job_name}}
{{#workflow_used}}<p>{{label}}: <b>{{value}}</b></p>{{/workflow_used}}
<p>Best Regards,</p>
<p>Print-R-Us helpdesk</p>