Fiery JobFlow Ticket Mapper
JobFlow XML Ticket Mapper allows users to map XML ticket properties to Fiery job properties via a visual interface. If a ticket mapping has been defined, this mapping can be selected in the Input module configuration.
To define a mapping, select ‘User’ > ‘Resources’ > ’Ticket Mapper’ and import an example of the XML tickets one would like to process via a JobFlow workflow. Ticket Mapper will list all source ticket properties that can be mapped. For each ticket property, JobFlow will list default target properties that can be mapped. These target properties include job file path, Fiery job properties, Fiery XF workflow and media and JobFlow Collect and Pages module properties.
A ticket source property can be mapped to multiple target properties. In Ticket Mapper, select the ‘+’ icon to add additional target properties.
For simple XML tickets, the provided list of Fiery job properties should suffice to map properties like file location and quantity. For more complex use cases, users can customize the list of target properties by changing Ticket Mapper configuration files on the system where JobFlow is installed. More information below.
When exporting a workflow that has a ticket mapping defined, the ticket mapping will be part of the exported workflow.
Multi-order, multi-file support
Introduced in JobFlow 2.9.2, XML Ticket Mapper now support complex tickets. If an XML ticket has multiple orders, each order will be processed as individual jobs. If an order has multiple file references, all referenced files will be merged to a single job. In addition to supporting more complex tickets, XML Ticket Mapper now also supports mapping XML ticket properties to a Fiery Impose template.
For JobFlow to correctly process multiple tickets, the XML ticket needs to have a correctly formatted list of either tickets or files. Learn about XML here