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Fiery JobFlow Ticket

Fiery JobFlow Ticket is a feature in Fiery JobFlow Base that allows users to submit jobs via a simple, text-based ticket with which they can define the order of jobs, number of copies per job and if jobs should be merged or not.

A JobFlow Ticket is a text file with comma separated values. JobFlow supports 3 columns: job location, number of copies and job preset. You do not need to add a header or name the columns. JobFlow always assumes job location is in column 1, number of copies is in column 2 and job preset is in column 3. Job location can be a file, a folder and/or a file wild card. You can add comments in the ticket by beginning a line with '//'. Anything in a comment line will be ignored by JobFlow.

You can tell JobFlow to merge jobs in a ticket by adding an action. An action is prepended by the # character. Currently, JobFlow only supports the #merge command.

Ticket examples

Example of a ticket to retrieve jobs from a local folder or network location and set copies per job.

// Filename, NumCopies
c:\folder\Bedding Flowers.pdf,10
c:\folder\Direct Sow Flowers.pdf,10
c:\folder\Flowering Bulbs.pdf,5

Example of a ticket to retrieve all jobs from a local folder, all PDF documents in a folder and set copies per job.

// Filename, NumCopies

Example of a ticket that sets different job presets for different jobs.

// Filename, NumCopies, Job Preset
c:\folder\Bedding Flowers.pdf,10,simplex
c:\folder\Direct Sow Flowers.pdf,10,duplex
c:\folder\Flowering Bulbs.pdf,,stapled

Example of ticket which merges jobs in a ticket and set copies for merged job.

// Filename, NumCopies
c:\folder\Bedding Flowers.pdf
c:\folder\Direct Sow Flowers.pdf
c:\folder\Flowering Bulbs.pdf

Please note that if we merge jobs JobFlow automatically adds bookmarks for the first page of every job that is merged. The bookmark title is taken from the job name minus the file extension. These bookmarks can be used in Fiery JobMaster to automatically add tabs.

Example of ticket which merges jobs in ticket and set copies for merged job. Jobs and ticket are submitted as a folder or archive.

// Filename, NumCopies
Bedding Flowers.pdf
Direct Sow Flowers.pdf
Flowering Bulbs.pdf

Please note that if a folder or an archive with jobs is submitted, all jobs will be merged automatically. If you add the #merge command you can define the number of copies for the merged jobs.